
Java - Method Arguments

Say, you want to pass some information to a Method.

For example, if you want a Method to add two numbers. You need to pass those two numbers to the Method.

Say, in the below example, you want the add Method to add two numbers for you. And you have passed those numbers in between the brackets () of the add Method(i.e. firstNumber and secondNumber).

And those elements inside the brackets () of the add Method is called as Parameters and the actual values passed to them are called as Arguments.

Example :

public class MyApplication {
    public static void main(String[] args) {

        int firstNum = 5;
        int secondNum = 8;
        int addedResult;

        addedResult = add(firstNum,secondNum);

        System.out.println("The added value is : "+addedResult);

    //Add method starts here.
    static int add(int firstNumber, int secondNumber)
        int result;
        result = firstNumber + secondNumber;
        return result;

Output :

  The added result is : 13

So, the variables inside the add() Method is called as Parameter.


And the actual values (i.e. 5 and 8) to be sent to the Method are the Arguments.

Throughout the tutorial we will be calling the Parameters as Arguments to avoid unnecessary confusion.

Now, what if, you have defined a Method with two Argument but made the Method call with one argument.