

How to join two Tuples?

Let us say, we have a Tuple that contains three names, 'Mohan', 'Kriti' and 'Salim'. And we have a second Tuple with two names 'Sia' and 'Andrew'. And we want to join them.

It can be achieved by using the '+' operator

Example :

x = ("Mohan", "Kriti", "Salim")
y = ("Sia", "Andrew")
z = x + y

Output :

  ('Mohan', 'Kriti', 'Salim', 'Sia', 'Andrew')

So, in the above code we have created a 'Tuple' and initialised to the variable 'x'.

x = ("Mohan", "Kriti", "Salim")

Below is how the values are positioned in the Tuple,


Also we have another Tuple that contains, 'Sia' and 'Andrew'.

y = ("Sia", "Andrew")


Next, we have used the '+' operator to add the the Tuples 'x' and 'y'.

z = x + y

And the Tuples 'x' and 'y' is joined and initialised to a new Tuple 'z'.


And we get the below output,

('Mohan', 'Kriti', 'Salim', 'Sia', 'Andrew')

How to repeat the Tuple elements?

Let us say, we have a 'Tuple' that contains three names, 'Mohan', 'Kriti' and 'Salim'. And we want to repeat the names two times and assign to another 'Tuple'.

It can be achieved by using the '*' operator

Example :

x = ("Mohan", "Kriti", "Salim")
y = x * 2

Output :

  ('Mohan', 'Kriti', 'Salim', 'Mohan', 'Kriti', 'Salim')

So, in the above code we have created a 'Tuple' and initialised to the variable 'x'.

x = ("Mohan", "Kriti", "Salim")

Below is how the values are positioned in the Tuple,


Next, we have used the '*' operator to repeat each element of the Tuple 'x' two times.

y = x * 2

And the elements of the Tuple 'x' is repeated 2 times and initialised to a new Tuple 'y'.


And we get the below output,

('Mohan', 'Kriti', 'Salim', 'Sia', 'Andrew')

Where 'Mohan', 'Kriti' and 'Salim' is repeated twice.